The Bridge Project

Geopoetics is a body-landscape performance practice structured as a samatha vipashyana (mindfulness awareness) practice. It develops an experiential listening of site (mindfulness) upon which an awareness of knowing and understanding installed in space (awareness) is cultivated [for more see geopoetics (PhD)].

Geopoetics was being developed gradually in three projects: The Bridge Project, The Geopoetics Project and Topophilia.

The Bridge Project is a two-week residential laboratory which takes place on the island of Aigina at Oikia Karapanou. Its aim is to bring together practices from different performance lineages to structure a mindfulness (sati) performance practice of landscape. It takes place both in the studio and in outdoor space thus it is named as the Bridge Project [for more on the project see geopoetics (PhD)].

research, training. facilitation: Anna Tzakou
performers: Dimitris Bampilis, Iris Nikolaou, Marios Chatziprokopiou, Anna Tzakou
film-making: Artemis Anastasiadou, Michalis Asthenidis
editing: Artemis Anastasiadou
graphic design: Marianna Bacoula
February-March 2012