Rea Frantzi [exodus]

Rea Frantzi [exodus] is a walking site-specific performance designed as a loop, for one spectator at a time in the center of Athens. It is based on the book H Grammi tou Orizontos (1991) by Christos Vakalopoulos that narrates the journey of a young Athenian woman, Rea Frantzi who decides to leave her husband and travel to the Greek island of Patmos. Driven by the incident of separation, a cause of confusion and dismantlement in her’s own personal cosmic structure, the text operates as a practice to search emotional, spiritual and mythical center constantly shifting from the individual to the collective and vice versa.

The performance organizes the text of the book in ten in situ / walking stations in Exarchia, an area shaped by the political and cultural challenges in contemporary Greece. It realizes a human-geographical journey in the center of Athens and invites the viewer to perform an experiential mapping of his/her current prolonged (post-) covid present. The public space is being introduced as a collection of concentric circles going back and forward from individual sensual experience of the city to its collective spiritual and mythical perception.

Conceived and Devised by Anna Tzakou
Dramaturgy: Marios Chatziprokopiou
Scenography and Costume Artwork: Antonis Antoniou
Performers: Mochi Georgiou, Domna Zafeiropoulou, Manolis Afolayan, Dimitra Mitropoulou, Neli Poulopoulou, Giannis Kokiasmenos, Dimitris Apostolopoulos, Dionisia Balamoti, Vasiliki Nomidou.
Graphic Design: Yorgis Noukakis
Photos: Alekos & Christos Bourelias
Production Management: Rania Kapetanaki & Giorgos Katsonis. 

28, 29 June & 5,6 July 2021
Opening hours: 17.00 – 20.00

Production: Cultural Platform ArtForm
With the financial support of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture.


Άννα Τζάκου στην «Α» / Στον ορίζοντα του Χρήστου Βακαλόπουλου, Mania Zousi, Avgi, 26.6.2021

Η «Ρέα Φραντζή» είναι μια βιωματική παράσταση, «αφόρητα πραγματική», Anastasia Vaitsopoulou, Propaganda, 6.7.2021

Η βιωματική παράσταση στα Εξάρχεια που σε μεταφέρει στο σύμπαν του Βακαλόπουλου, Kostas Maniatis.oneman, 6.7.2021