– ‘Walking as meditation or how-to walk-in places of emergency’ in Walking Art/ Walking Aesthetics, Interartive e-journal, 2018;
– ‘Everything on its own turn’ (2018) Eco Art Incubator Cyprus: Sites Embodied; Curriculum, Catalogue, Contemplations, ed. Nancy Holmes and Denise Kenney, British Columbia: Lake Publishing Society;
– ‘The Whole World is a Symbol: Performing the Embodied Landscape as a Buddhist Practice’ (2016) in Dancing with Dharma: Essays on Movement and Dance in Western Buddhism, ed. Harrison Blume, NC: McFarland;
– ‘Geopoetics: A Buddhist-inspired site-specific performance practice’ (2016) in Dancing with Dharma: Essays on Movement and Dance in Western Buddhism, ed. Harrison Blume, NC: McFarland;
– ‘Geopoetics: a methodology of theatre dramaturgy in public space’, presentation in the conference Artistic Practices in Public Space, ATHENS & EPIDAURUS FESTIVAL 2017;
– ‘Geopoetics practice; the (re)-construction of public space through the bodily experience’ proposition in roundtable discussion Democracy, Public Space and Performance, [OUT]TOP/AS exhibition of performance & public / outdoor space, Benaki Museum (Athens 2016);
– ‘Performing landscape as a samatha vipashyana practice’ presented paper in Performance and Mindfulness Symposium (Huddersfield, 2016);
– ‘Walking as Contemplative Practice to Perform Narratives of the Land’, presented paper in Where to? Steps towards the Future of Walking Arts Symposium (Falmouth, 2015);
– ‘Performing the site as a meditation of the body-landscape synchronization’ presented paper in Spaces of Attunement: Life, Matter and the Dance of Encounters (Cardiff, 2015);
– ‘Performance Topophilia; a participatory audience event’ presented paper in Performance, Place, Possibility: Performance in Contemporary Urban Contexts (Leeds, 2014);
– ‘Geopoetics: seeking cultural identity through a body-landscape performance practice’ presented paper in Performance art and its pedagogical dimension; the artist as a citizen and the citizen as creator, School of Fine Arts (Athens, 2013);