The Whale Song

The Whale Song performance explores the function of space, time and physical presence into a performative act detached from meaning. Its aims are to study and compose a physical score, to create content through form, and to investigate perception through a non-linear storytelling relationship with the viewer. Like the song of the whale, the performance expresses a psychic movement that starts from an inner, esoteric point and reaches out into the world for bringing a manifestation back to it. This work involves site specific elements such as space orientation, architecture, acoustics and natural light.


Concept, Performance: Anna Tzakou
Music Improvisation (oud, percussion): Jesse Manno (Boulder), Alexandros Papadimitrakis (Nafpaktos)
Graphic Design: Marianna Bacoula
Photo credits: Marcin Blablak



‘Giati pouli den keladeis’ Traditional song from Thrace, Northern Greece, Extracts from Simon Weil writings, extracts from Electra by Ellen McLaughlin, The Wall by Jean Paul Satre, ‘Pirsos Lampros tou Ypertatou Farodeiktou’ by Andreas Empirikos.

Nalanda Studio, Boulder Colorado, April 2010 (photos).
Institute for Live Arts Symposium, at Fethiye Mosque,Nafpaktos, June 2011(video).